Tuesday, 8 December 2015


In this indesign lesson we learnt new features such as how to incorporate videos in our work, adding a button, adding an index and other various key skills to set up our Interactive PDF.
The master page was to be edited for repeatable content such as page numbers or titles. We also learnt that we could create our own paragraph styles which enabled us too keep the text such as the size, spacing and type face the same through out the interactive PDF the same with out having to repeat all the steps when starting a new page.

We was given a album cover to copy for our front page but only asked to add key parts such as the circles to eventually create buttons.

The second and Third page was the Count Basie double page were we was asked to "create a paragraph style" and insert an image of Count Basie. We then created a button from the first page to the second page. I chose the second blue and cream coloured circle on the top row to create a button. I linked the Count Basie page too the button and added an affect so when the cursor scans over the circle it could "indent" suggesting that it is a button.

We then added 2 additional pages which we were then to insert a video and type. I used the paragraph styles to stylise my type once again so the type on pages 2-3 would be the same as the type on pages 4-5. i then inserted the video onto the opposite page. The video was awkward too insert as the video was large compared to the album sized page. Transforming the video was not useful as when you exported the file to view the "finished" PDF the video remained its original size.

I then added an index that linked too each page.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Process and Production - 3rd After affects

our task what too prepare a simple character using illustrator too animate using After affects. I decided I wanted to create a robot. At first I found this task difficult but soon got the hang of it. I learnt how to add anchor points, How to move and rotate the limbs. I also learnt about parenting, This is were you can "link" two layers together. The layers will follow the parent layer in my work the arms and legs are following the body (The body was the parent layer.)

 Link to my Animation: https://vimeo.com/147032217

Friday, 27 November 2015

Principles in Graphic Design


In 1909 the Italian futurism was the first cultural movement of the twentieth century. An artist, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, and a group of friends, who names them selfs the Italian futurists, set out to what they call ‘break down the mysterious doors of the impossible’. The Italian Futurists what a group made up of a verity of people such as artist, writers and musicians. Futurists were inspired buy problems of representing modern experience. They strived to create a modern,figurative art which explored properties of space and movement. Futurism diddn’t have a distinctive style, it was a combination between post-impressionism such as symbolism and divisionism it wasn’t until 1911 when a style emerged and became a product of cubism. Many futurists there fascinated by the new visual technology. Chrono-photography was a key aspect in which changed futurism allowing the artists to use the movement of an object through a series of frames. 

Thursday, 26 November 2015


In this session I learnt the difference between the modes on Photoshop. We had to find Any image and demonstrate the modes.

Bitmap makes the whole image Black and White. It selects the darkest tones and turns them black and the lightest tones and turns then white. First you have to turn the whole image into grey scale before turning it into bitmap.
You can adjust the pixel settings to reveal more black or more white. This image is at 50%

This image is also bitmap. This is half tone at 50% pixel frequency allowing the images to appear more detailed


This is a Grey Scale image. It turns the colour into grey tones.

RBG ( Red, Green, Blue) is for screen work and CYMK (Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black) is a mode for printers.  This is important when coming to print out your work. Printers have certain colour spectrums and can only work within the colour spectrum. If the colours you use are not on the colour spectrum of the printer your work will print out "discoloured" this is because your work is RGB and should be CYMK.


I found this Indesign tutorial helpful as I learnt how to manipulate text. Here a screen shot of my piece from the lesson. Learning how to manipulate text in the lesson really helped me for my final piece as I am studying typography. This technique will allow me to drag the letters into any shape and size.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Primary Research Fonts

Exploring Serif and Sans Serif Fonts 

Serif fonts look very formal and elegant. These are the type of fonts you would use while typing a formal letter. I like serif fonts because of the smart elegant look.
Sans Serif

Sans serif fonts look playful and friendly. These are the type of fonts you would usually see on packaging and logos. I like the serif fonts because of the playful look. They look a lot more simple and seem easier to manipulate on indesign. 

Depending on my audience and the message i want to show depends on which type i decide too use. For a more approachable playful feel to my work i would choose sans serif and for a more informative serious feel i would use serif fonts.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

My Project

For my project I would like to use a technique called projection mapping. I would like to show an audience a world of communication without social networking and electronic devices. I would like to project conversations on too pop up buildings to show that the "good old" conversation face too face in the street isn't bad.

Sense Of Place - Material Form and Sound

This weeks theme was Material Form and Sound. I decided to study Sound. I used my phone to voice record conversations in various places such as on the train, walking up streets and at social places such a pubs to pick up conversations that i could use in my projects. I listened too the voice recordings and wrote down the interesting parts of the convosation.

Approaches to Research - 20 Questions

Our Task was to pick an object and pick 20 questions to ask the other person to try guess what the other persons object is. Here was my 20 questions.

1- Is it an indoor objects?   Yes
2- Can you find it in a house? Yes
3- Can you find it in Various rooms? No
4- Is it usually upstairs in a house? Yes 
5- Is it in a bedroom? No 
6- Is it in a bathroom? Yes
7- Is it a specific colour? No 
8- Is it bigger that a spoon? No
9- Does is have a specific function? Yes
10- Do you use it every day? Yes 
11- Does every one have one? Yes 
12- Can you buy them from local shops? Yes 
13- Is it expensive? Depends
14- Can you purchase different types? Yes
15-  Is it electric? Can Be
 By the 15th question i Guessed Tooth Brush and it was Correct.
 My second guess would have been a razor or shaver.

Sense Of Place - People Movement and Navigation

Our theme this week was people, movement and navigation. It was hard to Find work to fit into my idea for my concertina book. When i was in a convergence lecture i came across an artist that gave me a brilliant idea for my concertina book.

YSP Trip

Our Task Was too explore fringe, edges/ opposition and convergence. We visited Yorkshire Sculpture Park and some some amazing work from various artists. Here are some pictures i took whilst on my visit.

Sophie Ryder's "drawing" sculpture I found really interesting. It Showed Convergence Between Human and Rabbit but yet after a closer look had prints of objects such as a Camera, Hands, Toy cars and a various number of mechanical forms. 

CC Process

This was my first attempt at using Indesign. Our task was to copy a piece of work to learn the basics of Indesign.


Cut up and Collages
Chinese Booze pill.. its the shit! Says Big P Morgan
this seminar was about Convergence, Taking something old and making something new.
We took a news paper and decided to make a new news head line. We decided to make it a bit more fun as Piers Morgan can be quite a serious man. This showed up how we can take something old and transform it into something new.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Ideas and Theories

Ideas and Theories

Our task was to create a piece too show how to have an idea. I decided to create a flow chart and how my mind usually genrates an idea.
I Start by researching, I look for a starting point, usually inspired by other artists. I then have some form of idea and get stuck on the same idea until I realise "this idea is crap''. I then begin to research again, looking either for a new idea or somthing to improve the first idea. When I FINALLY think of an idea I will think and carry on research until I love the idea. I then have to think things such as audeance, composition, approch and material. I usually then evaluate it over and over and over again until I have a SUPER DUPER IDEA!! I then go ask other people. Do you like this idea if so how could I improve this idea. If people do think its shit, i'll usually have a bit of a strop and start nearer too the begining of the flow chart. If people think "WOW thats a Billiant idea" I then start to question my self....Is it fit for purpose? Is it unique and eye catching? does it reach the target audeance? If it does then i'll build on the idea until i'm satisfied its fantastic!

Sense Of Place - Grids / Frames / Macro

The Theme this week was Grids / Frames / Macro.

Future Genealogie!

Future Genealogies
Our task was too pick a theme and to think of an out come based on this theme. We chose the theme ‘'Dinosaurs come back!’’ We started by mind mapping possible out comes such as a dinosaur zoo, using them to generate energy and keeping them as pets! Then we finally came to the conclusion that we could lower our carbon foot print by using the dinosaurs as transport. We thought we could replace buses with T-rex, Planes with Pterodactyl and bikes and cars replaced with smaller dinosaurs such as raptors. At the time we thought this is a great idea but then we had to take into consideration the risk of attacks and accidental deaths that could occur! First we would have to train people how to ride the dinosaurs and to train the dinosaurs not too attack or eat people. We would put something in place so the dinosaurs after been trained wouldn't give them a chance too bite such as a muzzle around the mouth, just incase the instinct does kick in, and making sure there fully fed so they are not hungry while working . We would have 'Ptero airlines' for the dinosaur air transport and ‘Tauranasport' companies for the dinosaur land transport. We would have seperarte paths away from the public path ways and civilisation to reduce the chance of an attack or an accident occurring. We would ask for people using this type of transport to purchase insurance just incase accident does occur. To ensure the dinosaurs are not over worked we would have a set amount of time a week the dinosaurs are legally allowed to work which would be stated in an “Dinosaurs right act” which would ensure they are healthy and happy. After the dinosaurs have worked they would be placed back into a reserve with other dinosaurs the same species were they can happily live with all there needs and requirements.