Monday, 20 March 2017

World Oil Production / Consumption

There are many things that use oil to work or make. Everything from the heating in your home to making paper. Oil is a crucial part of every ones life even though some people do not realise.

The graph below shows that in 2014 up to 92 million barrels of oil a day was being produced and 93 million barrels were being consumed. It was then estimated in 2016 this was to increase to around 95 barrels of oil to be produced and consumed. This graph shows an increase from 86 million barrels in 2010 too 95 million barrels in a 6 year period, thats almost 10 million extra barrels of oil being produced and consumed around the world in a day. 
To put the numbers into perspective in 2014 thats 94 billion barrels a day was equivalent to draining an olympic swimming pool full of oil every 15 seconds. 

Friday, 17 March 2017

China's ghost cities

While many vacant town and cities were once thriving with life, many cities in China have never been occupied by many people if anyone. Developers have began building cities containing houses, apartments and even sky scrapers with no one to live there. The developers hope for people to move from the old cities to start a new life in the new ones. The problem is many of these developers are running out of money to finish the cities leaving them deep in debt with over 64 million apartment in China that are vacant.

Seminar- Conclusions

Conclusions is a shorter section of the essay. this provides a summery of answers you found too your research question. if you wish you can mention thinks you couldn't answer and explain why and explain how the topic or research could be continued.

Compare the abstract and the conclusions

What is the research question?
Why is it important to develop visual paths when designing an advertisement?

How does the author attempt to answer the question?
Study visual hierarchy and mind and motion

What answers does the author provide?
Organise there perception in respect to the content

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Daniels - Maryland

The town Daniels in Maryland was first formed in 1810 when Thomas Ely and his family moved to the area and built a textile mill. The community was first known as Elysville. In 1853 the town was purchaced by the family of James S Gary and was then renamed as Alberton in the honor of James' son Albert. It wasn't until 1940 The Daniels Company bought the entire village including the textile mill and changed the towns name to Daniels. By the 1960s around 90 families lived in Daniels. In 1968 the residents were given a notice to move due to the textile mill closing which forced the housing to be terminated. The town has been empty ever since which was lucky because in 1972 a tropical storm, Agnes, hit the Patapsco River Valley and completely destroyed the remaining buildings of Daniels leaving rubble and rusty cars.

Bennet Collage

Bennet Collage in New York was once a school for girls, enrolling 120 pupils each year. The girls would be educated at high school for four years then an additional two years at higher education. May. F. Bennet, a schoolteacher moved her girls here in 1907 at the building was a hotel prior to the school. The higher education element of the building brought problems for the school as they attempted to convert the two year higher education into four years higher education. This brought the school into debt and then later shut in 1977 due to bankruptcy. The building has been empty with no use since. in 1933 the building was placed on the national register of historic places but in 2014, despite many community protests, the building will soon be demolished.

These pictures of Bennet Collage have three key elements that I think give an abandoned and disturbing feel.

1) - The Sky. In two of the images the sky has been edited in two different ways. In the first image the clouds have been edited too high light the clouds and how dark they look. The second way is that the image has either been taken at dusk or dawn. The image has then been manipulated to make the colours in the sky a lot more prominent. Both of these editing techniques are setting a frightful feel too the whole picture.

2) - The Architecture of the building. You can tell the building is old due to the shapes of the roof and the wood paneling on the outside of the building.

3) - Maintenance. The growth of the trees, bushes and wildlife is taking back over its land. It is obvious that no one has been maintaining the growth of the plants suggesting the place is abandoned. Also the maintenance of the building externally, smashed windows and decaying structure, suggests the building has been left too rot.

Monday, 13 February 2017



Products initially were mechanical. These then developed power systems were the mechanics were powered by an engine making life easier more recently these engines are electrical powered, arguably very beneficial however is this a problem. These devises are quite complex, often they talk to each other to share data to aid better working,
Money, payments, lighting, security receipt of parcel, cooking mobile phones, music downloads, cars, diary, emails, calendars

Data issues- data is provided in various forms of different code types. Occasionally, overlaying on type of data onto another may create a sub routine in coding, which can have unfortunate consequences but is rare.

Data distribution who gets to see the data? should they? For example Visio TV manufacturer have been fined for recording what people watched and selling the data.

Data security can it be hacked? Many people use the cloud, what happens if your data is leaked, bank accounts, work?

How do you know the device has swirled or stop working? Can the device been started by other systems?

Human problems

Humans can be amazingly thick. Very few of us are very logical with computers, this means we approach things differently

Data sharing
Legal issues - defamation, slander, publish.

To publish- to make generally known. To inform the public.
Problem, once its out there its difficult to stop.

Electromagnetic waves are surrounding us. Is this healthy?
How secure is it really?
Is it disconnecting individuals from each other?
Socialising ramifications?
Can we continue to use all devices? Will we forget to use them? Will the automatically set them self?
What about my identity? How can i prove i am who i am?
How can i tell what is right?

Records problem

As these devices become more common an more complicated more recorded are needed to make and maintain, is this resource use right? Is it really needed? Gimmick or requirement ?

Does this all mean designers now need to be more app savvy in terms of design?
Do you move away from traditional design routes?
Is the basis of design dictated by the device?
Does it have a effect on the creativity?

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Stencil prints 1 colour abstract type

Our task was to explore shape and form inspired by 1 letter of a font. I chose to explore the Baskerville Bold Italic font and the letter I chose at random was the letter R

Monday, 6 February 2017

Europe and Brexit

Europe and Brexit

Banking crisis 2008 and follow on world recession caused serious problems for Europe

Economic comfort pre Brexit referendum

Most countries have shifted on the comfortability after the referendum

This has resulted in general confusion with many political parties across Europe and the west. Result has been the growing popularity of more extreme parties. Donald Trump, Marie Le Penn, Syria and Austria all rather far Left wing or far Right wing. Europes recent issues are causing difficult issues-immigration, Italian banking problems, over reliance on strength of german economy, Russia and Ukraine and US and Europe TTIP failure. There is reluctance for the UK to change track or alter its direction, Europe is concerned that unless there is a change in the way EU manages its self, it will become dominated by Germany (money)... more states will or may want to leave, especially if the UK is successful.

Brexit negotiations no one is wanting to cut off UK from Europe or vice versa.

Other European problems

-USA Canada China India - problems with trade to Europe
-Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Belarus also problems for Europe
-Energy Issues, Europe hasn't got much oil, we gain majority from trading, mainly from Russia
-Immigration and Unemployment both linked together (immigrate to work = less jobs more people)

Monday, 30 January 2017

Crisis of the Middle East and Russia

The Middle East

Oil issues occurred after history or conflict. The world run on oil, virtually all transport is oil biased, all products have been touched by oil. Oil is a convenient way to store and carry energy. According to the World oil reserves the middle east have an estimated 49% of the worlds oil in 2013.  oil reserve issues - not as clear how much is actually left, this is important for designers as plastics, inks, packaging and processing lubricants and many more materials are made using oil.

                                                Estimation of oil produced from 1930- 2050

Electricity, 2 elements stationary power, Transportation Power

Stationary Power Systems
Renewable - wind ,wave, hydro
Nuclear - Thorium, Plasma Field
Fossil Fuel -  Oil- rock, shale,
                     Gas - LPG, LNG, Shale

Transportable Power Systems
Fuel Cell


Population 143.5million
GPD $2.07 trillion

Russia has internal stresses of break up. Fringes of Russia are pushing the limits to break away. The Russian government has been heavy handed in dealing with this. This make the Russian government very wary. Economically, Russia have a big untapped wealth but don't know how to get to it, they need to look to the west, The west were the enemy. Freedoms in the west are heavily protected. Freedom in the east are not so heavily protected. Russia was a key part on the "world stage" ... not so much now. This has lead to tensions between the west and Russia.
Economic management  communist - state controlled

Problems for Russia
Fall in oil price
Action in Ukraine and Crimea
Syria conflict
Russian retaliatory action against Western investment in Russia
Russian action in us elections (alleged)

Historically Russia doesn't make good decisions and use a lot or force
Russia is far more western that china, potential for good development and trade is there but Russia needs to be open for business.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Stencil prints 2 colour image and type

We were asked to pick out 1 word and 1 sentence at random, I picked the work soldier and the sentence End and I Begin.

I increased the contrast

Then edited where the paint had smudged 

I then changed the image to black and white 

I then added a tint to the black and white image

Monday, 23 January 2017

The world

Emerging markets and problem areas
Countries and markets that's are now developing and have a chance to come to prominence.
Areas that are becoming volatile.

China, India, Russia and Brazil have growth develop potential
Middle east, China/Taiwan and Russia are problem regions

Interconnectivity of technology
Why is it important? They are investing in the uk some of my clients may well be from these investors. Problem areas are world affecting. Technology will have an impact on me.

China has a population of 1.4 billion with a $9.35 trillion GDP

If you look at the world bank GDP, in the year 2000 china began to grow, but of you look at the world Bank GDP per capita china is low and not really progressed and grown over the years.

Issues for china
Chinas regards Taiwan as part of china Taiwan have a different view and want independence after 86 years
Chinese navy was becoming expansion taking over the south china sea using force if necessary
Donald trump thinks china should adhere to world business

Population growth has been dramatic, from 1.5 billion in 1880 - 7 billion in 2015 which is a 466% in 135 years.

The crisis is that there is not enough resources for everybody.