Monday, 28 November 2016

Finances and contracts

Finances and contracts

An employer has a duty of care over his/hers employees. This involves the mental and physical wellbeing of the employe, to provide a safe working environment, procedures to resolve issues and a clear job understanding

Employment Terminology

Sacked - Been sacked is bad
Dismissed - not as bad been sacked but does depend on the context
Probation - a period of time you need to serve before you have rights
Released - the firm has no further use for you
Redundant - the company can't keep you
Resigned - when you leave a firm out of your own free will

Always know what your contracts says

Remedies - things go wrong

Talk through the problem, understand the issue, most issues are small

Seek remedy via correct legal processes. The law indicates what you must do

A contracts has 2 sides, a client and an employee. A Client contract is an agreement between you and your client and a employee contract is an agreement between you and your employee

A company is a 'person in law'

Employee Legislation

Friday, 25 November 2016

Key words and literature

Key words and literature

1- Key words- strategy
2- First define your topic
Pick key words- pull put the words that I've ate the mail concept of your topic
Brainstorm alternative keywords that an author may have used
3- Choose a database i.e find a subject specific data bases in the library


Scandinavian graphic design: history and international acclaim

Key words:
Graphic design

Literature review is a critical presentation and discussion of the main sources of your topics.

Literature structure review
1 outline topic
2 give definition and basic historical frame work
3 present main ideas, writing and practices
4 present your research question (what you want too focus on and find out)

Literature review- what does it do
Shows you knowledge of the origins, definitions and vocabulary of the topic
Shows you have understanding of the main idea, writing and practices on the topic
Shows the variety of approaches and opinions of the topic
It enables you to understand the significance of the ideas writings and practices in the topic

How too find the main works
Use the keywords to search databases, library, google, scholar
Any text, work or item that has had an important effect on the subsequent development of the field and has been used in several other disciplines, fields or topics
And approach or methodology that others in the field have replicated

Literature review source and help
Make note as you read,
Keep copies
Different types of literature
Different categories or literature
-   primary

Very few results don't panic
This is normal
Try different keywords
Search different databases
Check the reference list
Ask librarian for help

Start off broad
Give sense of the history
Be clear
Examine your own bias
Check details
Organise the areas
Sources are correctly referenced

Omit classic writings and practices
Descuss ideas without referance
Use inaccurate references
Use key concepts without defining them
Use slang
Accept position at face value - just because some one is most known in a field, don't count on what they are saying too be right.

Choose 5 key words
10 important references
Prepare any questions

Monday, 21 November 2016



If you start up self employed you need too keep track of your finances because the tax man will want too know.

Individuals traded good, as the trades grew individuals needed more more and this resulted in partnerships.

Were 2 or more people = partnership, the tax man then assumes the partner ship is split 50 50, you are both liable for each others debts
This implies trust in your partners

Often partnerships would develop with one party having money and the other having the idea or trade. This is called a sleeping partner where they have nothing too do with the company etc while partnerships are still used it becomes evedent that more funding were needed as trade grew (victorian times)  government developed the limited liability girl (inc) this is a incorporated firm or company.

To ensure potential investors were protected against various criminals , limited liability firms must do this in this way
Publish what the firm was about- publish annual returns about the company performance yearly - log all this data with companies house - have the accounts of the firm independently audited

Starting a ltd firm £200
Buy one from a solicitor, cost too start up is around
Stopping a ltd firm is hard too stop

A ltd firm is a person in law
Ie a ltd firm is regarded by the law as being a person... as individual

-What is the firms, is the firms and not yours
-You must do what is best for the firm and not you
-Conflict of interest may result - care needed

Limited liability became too small, the plc (public limited company) was developed for investments on a big scale

Issues of debt
All firms have a degree of debt
Too manage debt you need too understand your cost

Normal operating activities (cost and income of normal services) Extra-ordinary items (big things like moving offices that do not come around very often) BUDGET! Cash flow is critical!

Entrepreneurship and business engagement

Entrepreneurship - being in a business - filling a gap in the market - geographical, specialism, ability, product
Competition issues?
This is your decision

What is the aim? Money? Kudos? Society/Aid?

How do you succeed? Do it! Don't sit back because chances are someone else will do it.
Tenacity, there will be problems, don't give up. Work through issues, solve the problem

Don't be precious, your idea but it will change, your work will be modified

Ability to do, practical/ pragmatic, ability to act

Its what you know it who you know

What is the cost and what is the return

Friday, 18 November 2016

Essay and Visual Appendix

Essay Means Argument, the Essay is a concise, evidenced thread of thinking. The essay needs too have clear defined structure, Have a clear narrative, be well written.

Essay structure
Abstract and keywords
sets the scene for the reader
Defines the aims of the essay
States how this will be attempted
Briefly presents what the reader can expect in the rest of the essay
The main body=  literature review, reasearch question and case study
Starts off broad and then focuses in your research enquiry
Presents the research of the essay
Should not just be a descriptive text
You should critically reflect upon the information you present
You need to organise the areas you will focus
provides a summary of your findings
Describes how the work could be continued in the future
Reference list and bibliography
make sure

-Define terms
-Write carefully (build good sentences, link related sentences in clear paragraphs. Work toward -and over all structure)
-Use time flow
-Provide sources. Offer evidence
-Present and discuss Contrary evidence
-Cite direct paraphrased quotations
-Read aloud
-Find a suitable environment to think

-Use slang
-Use professional, technical or scientific terms that you cannot explain or define
Use fancy words

Make sure there are no grammatical and syntax errors!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Seminar 5 Assessment Feedback

Write down one thing I think I did well, one thing I need too improve and one thing I found helpful.
One thing I think went well was my research question.
One thing I think i need too improve is my viriaty of references.
One thing I found helpful was using a power point to break the sections of my research down.

            General Points for Improvement
Presentation design
- can become more visually engaging
- text and images close to the edges
- less text or better use of text
- broad, needs to be narrowed down.
- should summarise your topic
- should not be a repetition or the research question
Research question
- needs to be phrased as a question
- should be as focused as possible
Aural description
-more practice
-correct English grammar and syntax errors
- avoid the use of slung and jargon language
Reference list/ Bibliography
-always include in the end
- listed separately
- follow the APA 6th Style
-on time
- will help improve performance and grade
    Some improvements don't apply too me but is a reminder.

Look on uni learn on how to use APA 6th Style for tips on referencing

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Introduction too 2nd brief

Brief two- Live Competition YCN / RSA 
YCN is more Contemporary Challenges, 16 briefs too choose from. Deadline - March 23rd 2017 
RSA Social Environmental and Geological, 12 Briefs too choose from. Deadline - March 8th 2017

Fung Yee Wai Fedrigoni 
Zaiul Haque 

Project Timeline - 
Week one pick 3 briefs generate ideas
Week Two develop ideas 
Week tree begin to formalise ideas 
Week four
Week five
Week six 
-Christmas break 

Monday, 7 November 2016

Economy and Stuff

The higher the price the lower the demand, the lower the price the higher the demind. This fluctuates this is called Inelastic Demand. Supply is opposite the higher the price the higher the quantity the lower the price the lower the quantity.  Distortion of markets can occur taxes/levies , interest rates, nature of products, nature of market, global/ national developments. Rasing taxes for the government the idea is to be spent to benefit everyone causing a strong political issue. There are different uk taxes  and duties naming a few: income tax, national tax, VAT, IHT, car tax , stamp duty, import/export duty, tobacco duty, alcohol duty. Government use tax/ duty to raise money to spend on what is need like police, NHS Education etc.

Tax up-less disposable income - reduction in some demand (deflation pressure)
                                                    - change in purchasing habits - increase demand for some items
                                              - demand for pay increase (inflationary pressure) -cost of employment
                                                                                                                             -loss of employment
                                                                                                                            -extra venue needed
                                                                                                                      -Increase in benefit cost

Effects are not immediate, there is always some slack in the system and it depends where and which taxes are raised

Interest rate are also important to the management of an economy, the interest rate is the cost of borrowing money.

Finances are the control of money and the flow of money, every one does finances. Businesses do finance too. A long time ago people made things and traded with each other to get things they wanted this is referred too as barter.

Money is a simple medium for smoothing trade, a measurement method of value.

What is the definition as money?
The cash you have-
The cash you have + the cash you can get
The cash you have + the cash you can get + loan credit
Loan credit - short term/long term

Costs are what you have too give too get something you want. Price is what an item is actually sold for. If you are buying you want the cost to be close to the price
Profit is the positive between difference between cost and price
Loss is the negative difference between cost and price
Income is money coming in
Expenditure money going out
Debt is how much is owed too you or what you owe out
Credit is how much money beyond that which you have, you may use.

If you sell an item you need too know the cost, this means all its costs.

Direct costs are directly attribute to the overall cost of the item
Indirect costs are not a direct attribute
Variable cost that varies with output
Fixed costs that does not vary with output

General costs that can not be directly apportioned to a client
Costs of undertaking particular projects can be allocated directly to a client

Taxations issues (2015)

Income tax bands:
 £10,600 - £31,785 - 20%
 £31,786 -  £150,000 - 40%
 £150,000 + 45%