Monday, 28 November 2016

Finances and contracts

Finances and contracts

An employer has a duty of care over his/hers employees. This involves the mental and physical wellbeing of the employe, to provide a safe working environment, procedures to resolve issues and a clear job understanding

Employment Terminology

Sacked - Been sacked is bad
Dismissed - not as bad been sacked but does depend on the context
Probation - a period of time you need to serve before you have rights
Released - the firm has no further use for you
Redundant - the company can't keep you
Resigned - when you leave a firm out of your own free will

Always know what your contracts says

Remedies - things go wrong

Talk through the problem, understand the issue, most issues are small

Seek remedy via correct legal processes. The law indicates what you must do

A contracts has 2 sides, a client and an employee. A Client contract is an agreement between you and your client and a employee contract is an agreement between you and your employee

A company is a 'person in law'

Employee Legislation

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