1- Key words- strategy
2- First define your topic
Pick key words- pull put the words that I've ate the mail concept of your topic
Brainstorm alternative keywords that an author may have used
3- Choose a database i.e find a subject specific data bases in the library
Scandinavian graphic design: history and international acclaim
Key words:
Graphic design
Literature review is a critical presentation and discussion of the main sources of your topics.
Literature structure review
1 outline topic
2 give definition and basic historical frame work
3 present main ideas, writing and practices
4 present your research question (what you want too focus on and find out)
Literature review- what does it do
Shows you knowledge of the origins, definitions and vocabulary of the topic
Shows you have understanding of the main idea, writing and practices on the topic
Shows the variety of approaches and opinions of the topic
It enables you to understand the significance of the ideas writings and practices in the topic
How too find the main works
Use the keywords to search databases, library, google, scholar
Any text, work or item that has had an important effect on the subsequent development of the field and has been used in several other disciplines, fields or topics
And approach or methodology that others in the field have replicated
Literature review source and help
Make note as you read,
Keep copies
Different types of literature
Different categories or literature
- primary
Very few results don't panic
This is normal
Try different keywords
Search different databases
Check the reference list
Ask librarian for help
Start off broad
Give sense of the history
Be clear
Examine your own bias
Check details
Organise the areas
Sources are correctly referenced
Omit classic writings and practices
Descuss ideas without referance
Use inaccurate references
Use key concepts without defining them
Use slang
Accept position at face value - just because some one is most known in a field, don't count on what they are saying too be right.
Choose 5 key words
10 important references
Prepare any questions
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