We briefly flicked over the double diamond again which we looked at in a previous lecture.
We was encouraged too look at ideo.com as it contained an excellent care study in creative design. The web site showed tips and tricks on how to build a business, improve innovative ideas and grow as a company.
IDEO. Org (2015) the field guide to human- centred design
This showed 1 staring point, desirable-human, and 2 out comes, viable-business and feasible- technology.
Desirable-will some one respond to the idea
Viable- is it within the budget
Feasible- is it possible to create in the given time frame
These 3 point was vital for such a short project.
7 stages of design process.
Define, research,ideate, prototype, select, implement, learn
Define: what is the brief asking you? Who is it aimed at? What is client looking for? When Does the client need this? Where do they want it to be displayed? Why do they want it?
Secondary - the research of others
Primary - your own research
Qualitative - facts and reasons
Quantitative - statistics
At the end of any research you should have understanding and a range or reasorces
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