26.9.16 Business Lecture 1
If found this lecture extremely helpful as it gives us a insite into the world and how it could affect that can take place on us graphic designers. It was also helpful as our lecturer gave us tips on applying for placements in preparation next year.
We learnt the key thinks in which an industry wants.
- Independence
- Self thinking
- Analysis Ability
I need too start thinking about what I would like too do for my placement year next year.
"Regret is always more painful than failure" - Quote from the film 'The Dish' meaning it's alway better too try and fail and know you tried rather than to have not tried and wonder what would have happened
Our lecturer than gave is some pointers on applying for placements
- IPA is good at finding placement
- Write a letter too the placement rather than email, it's easier to ignore an email
- Comment on there work, What do you like about there work?
- Don't ask for a placement!
- It's not what you know it's who you know. Gather as many contacts as you can.
There are 2 different placements you can apply for
A- through the uni placement
B- Suspend my degree
So Design?
Product orientation is when you make the product and find a market too fit it.
Market orientation is when you have certain assets and a company wants you to do something with them.
Economic Structure
Economic structure can vary from a macro economic ( large economy ) too a Micro economy ( small economy )
National Economy
- Geographic Entity (country)
- Private Sector (company's, firms etc)
- Public sector ( financed by tax revenue - police, schools, firemen ect)
Things that could possibly affect an economic structure is technology, social change, politics, war and natural disasters.
Basic marketing
The 4 P's
- Price
- Product
- Promotion
- Place
How much does the product cost to manufacture, deliver and package? Is there a profit? Profit element Mark up can be very high 100% + In some instances.
Core product - What the product must do for example a chair is to sit on so you must make it for that function.
Secondary product - The colour, size, style etc for example why some one would buy that certain chair and not a different chair maybe blue would match there kitchen and not pink.
How you tell or persuade the market
Where is the product available too buy?
Place of consumption?
What is design
Design is problem solving, creativity and communication. There are two types of thinking convergent and divergent. Convergent is slowly working through the problem until the problem is solved. Divergent is finding other solutions and figuring out the best.
Design Process
Idea Generation - Design Concept - Development - Embodiment - Detailed Design - Finished Article
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