Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Sara - After Affects 2

Rota Scoping

In this after affect session we were rota scoping.
Rota Scoping is a long but enjoyable process.

The first step of rota scoping is record a short video, 
this video should be around 3 seconds long and 
should be able to loop. 

Using the pen tool I then drew around Alice 
on each frame, closing the points each time. 

I then copied all the frames and pasted the frames to make a longer 
looped video. 

I then started experimenting with colours and textures for the background
and the shape. 

The video of Alice had removed from after affects,
But I like the pattern that after affects replaced with 
the video. 

I then created a background similar to the pattern but different 

I then added music to the work to give it a finished touch. 

Monday, 5 December 2016

CV, I.P, I.P.R


A CV is unique too you and how it should be constructed depends on who you are writing to.

Key characteristics

Name and contact - name, address, personal mobile phone, email personal and uni, web page     age, D.O.B

Education - most resent first, dates, uni and collage, school,  don't mention grades, skills

Work experiance - most resent first,  date- organisation- job, jobs are important.

Hobbies and interests - very brief,

Referees - name, company, position, address, telephone, email, work and academic references, maximum of 3

Try make the CV company specific
Single sided

I.P  Intellectual property
I.P.R Intellectual Property Rights

Your work is your own so how do you protect it?

Patents - these must the new, how things work, how things are made, what they are made from, technical contributions

Trade mark

Copy right - automatic protection covering anything written or preformed

Design Right - the way an abject the looks

Client-----You (designer)
potential of commissioned work, you assess if you can do it -- ability, time, scope/size, resources, cost - should the work be outsourced?
3) Agree terms cost, payment, deadlines, brief details , technical file, etc
4) Liaise with client
5) Deliver work
6) Receive receipt
7) Send invoice
8) Payment made

Keep the client engaged - show the client the work as it is developing

Always keep a copy of the work and if send through post have it recorded

Invoice order number, client contact, date of commission and date of delivery

only supply the total cost

SARA - after effects 3

In this process and production we were asked to bring 3 drawn materials, all the same drawing no changes.  I chose to draw a cartoon fish. I scanned my images onto my computer and sizes them up correctly using Illustrator and lightened to create a white background. I then imported them into After Effects.
In After Effects I Generated a stroke to originally make the footage look as if it had been drawn. I didn't like this affect so i decided to make the fish look like it was rubbing on to the work. 

After creating the animation I tried to add a scaled back ground. I added multiple affects to the back ground to try give a water affect but didn't like the out come.

 I then added one of After Affects own bubble transitions and used this as a back ground. and liked this a lot more.

Friday, 2 December 2016

APA Referencing

APA 6th Referencing

Why reference?
-   To show the research you have done and what you have read
To show you can support you points
To enable the readers to follow up and reads the original text
To get a good mark
To avoid plagiarism (theft of somebody else's work)

You have to reference quotes, statistics, dictionary definitions, pictures and diagrams from websites and textbooks, rewording sources.

APA referencing is a two part system in-text citations and a reference list.

In text citation - (Smith, 1991). If you cant find the date add N.D.
No URLs in the essay

APA book reference Builder helps you create the references

Referencing images
In text citation           Figure 1: title (name, Year)
In the reference list you would get the full details

Quotes less than 40 words
Double quotation marks for quotes
Page number if from book or article

Quotes more than 40 words you indent the quotes
Don't need quotation marks because you have indented

Monday, 28 November 2016

Finances and contracts

Finances and contracts

An employer has a duty of care over his/hers employees. This involves the mental and physical wellbeing of the employe, to provide a safe working environment, procedures to resolve issues and a clear job understanding

Employment Terminology

Sacked - Been sacked is bad
Dismissed - not as bad been sacked but does depend on the context
Probation - a period of time you need to serve before you have rights
Released - the firm has no further use for you
Redundant - the company can't keep you
Resigned - when you leave a firm out of your own free will

Always know what your contracts says

Remedies - things go wrong

Talk through the problem, understand the issue, most issues are small

Seek remedy via correct legal processes. The law indicates what you must do

A contracts has 2 sides, a client and an employee. A Client contract is an agreement between you and your client and a employee contract is an agreement between you and your employee

A company is a 'person in law'

Employee Legislation

Friday, 25 November 2016

Key words and literature

Key words and literature

1- Key words- strategy
2- First define your topic
Pick key words- pull put the words that I've ate the mail concept of your topic
Brainstorm alternative keywords that an author may have used
3- Choose a database i.e find a subject specific data bases in the library


Scandinavian graphic design: history and international acclaim

Key words:
Graphic design

Literature review is a critical presentation and discussion of the main sources of your topics.

Literature structure review
1 outline topic
2 give definition and basic historical frame work
3 present main ideas, writing and practices
4 present your research question (what you want too focus on and find out)

Literature review- what does it do
Shows you knowledge of the origins, definitions and vocabulary of the topic
Shows you have understanding of the main idea, writing and practices on the topic
Shows the variety of approaches and opinions of the topic
It enables you to understand the significance of the ideas writings and practices in the topic

How too find the main works
Use the keywords to search databases, library, google, scholar
Any text, work or item that has had an important effect on the subsequent development of the field and has been used in several other disciplines, fields or topics
And approach or methodology that others in the field have replicated

Literature review source and help
Make note as you read,
Keep copies
Different types of literature
Different categories or literature
-   primary

Very few results don't panic
This is normal
Try different keywords
Search different databases
Check the reference list
Ask librarian for help

Start off broad
Give sense of the history
Be clear
Examine your own bias
Check details
Organise the areas
Sources are correctly referenced

Omit classic writings and practices
Descuss ideas without referance
Use inaccurate references
Use key concepts without defining them
Use slang
Accept position at face value - just because some one is most known in a field, don't count on what they are saying too be right.

Choose 5 key words
10 important references
Prepare any questions

Monday, 21 November 2016



If you start up self employed you need too keep track of your finances because the tax man will want too know.

Individuals traded good, as the trades grew individuals needed more more and this resulted in partnerships.

Were 2 or more people = partnership, the tax man then assumes the partner ship is split 50 50, you are both liable for each others debts
This implies trust in your partners

Often partnerships would develop with one party having money and the other having the idea or trade. This is called a sleeping partner where they have nothing too do with the company etc while partnerships are still used it becomes evedent that more funding were needed as trade grew (victorian times)  government developed the limited liability girl (inc) this is a incorporated firm or company.

To ensure potential investors were protected against various criminals , limited liability firms must do this in this way
Publish what the firm was about- publish annual returns about the company performance yearly - log all this data with companies house - have the accounts of the firm independently audited

Starting a ltd firm £200
Buy one from a solicitor, cost too start up is around
Stopping a ltd firm is hard too stop

A ltd firm is a person in law
Ie a ltd firm is regarded by the law as being a person... as individual

-What is the firms, is the firms and not yours
-You must do what is best for the firm and not you
-Conflict of interest may result - care needed

Limited liability became too small, the plc (public limited company) was developed for investments on a big scale

Issues of debt
All firms have a degree of debt
Too manage debt you need too understand your cost

Normal operating activities (cost and income of normal services) Extra-ordinary items (big things like moving offices that do not come around very often) BUDGET! Cash flow is critical!

Entrepreneurship and business engagement

Entrepreneurship - being in a business - filling a gap in the market - geographical, specialism, ability, product
Competition issues?
This is your decision

What is the aim? Money? Kudos? Society/Aid?

How do you succeed? Do it! Don't sit back because chances are someone else will do it.
Tenacity, there will be problems, don't give up. Work through issues, solve the problem

Don't be precious, your idea but it will change, your work will be modified

Ability to do, practical/ pragmatic, ability to act

Its what you know it who you know

What is the cost and what is the return

Friday, 18 November 2016

Essay and Visual Appendix

Essay Means Argument, the Essay is a concise, evidenced thread of thinking. The essay needs too have clear defined structure, Have a clear narrative, be well written.

Essay structure
Abstract and keywords
sets the scene for the reader
Defines the aims of the essay
States how this will be attempted
Briefly presents what the reader can expect in the rest of the essay
The main body=  literature review, reasearch question and case study
Starts off broad and then focuses in your research enquiry
Presents the research of the essay
Should not just be a descriptive text
You should critically reflect upon the information you present
You need to organise the areas you will focus
provides a summary of your findings
Describes how the work could be continued in the future
Reference list and bibliography
make sure

-Define terms
-Write carefully (build good sentences, link related sentences in clear paragraphs. Work toward -and over all structure)
-Use time flow
-Provide sources. Offer evidence
-Present and discuss Contrary evidence
-Cite direct paraphrased quotations
-Read aloud
-Find a suitable environment to think

-Use slang
-Use professional, technical or scientific terms that you cannot explain or define
Use fancy words

Make sure there are no grammatical and syntax errors!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Seminar 5 Assessment Feedback

Write down one thing I think I did well, one thing I need too improve and one thing I found helpful.
One thing I think went well was my research question.
One thing I think i need too improve is my viriaty of references.
One thing I found helpful was using a power point to break the sections of my research down.

            General Points for Improvement
Presentation design
- can become more visually engaging
- text and images close to the edges
- less text or better use of text
- broad, needs to be narrowed down.
- should summarise your topic
- should not be a repetition or the research question
Research question
- needs to be phrased as a question
- should be as focused as possible
Aural description
-more practice
-correct English grammar and syntax errors
- avoid the use of slung and jargon language
Reference list/ Bibliography
-always include in the end
- listed separately
- follow the APA 6th Style
-on time
- will help improve performance and grade
    Some improvements don't apply too me but is a reminder.

Look on uni learn on how to use APA 6th Style for tips on referencing

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Introduction too 2nd brief

Brief two- Live Competition YCN / RSA 
YCN is more Contemporary Challenges, 16 briefs too choose from. Deadline - March 23rd 2017 
RSA Social Environmental and Geological, 12 Briefs too choose from. Deadline - March 8th 2017

Fung Yee Wai Fedrigoni 
Zaiul Haque 

Project Timeline - 
Week one pick 3 briefs generate ideas
Week Two develop ideas 
Week tree begin to formalise ideas 
Week four
Week five
Week six 
-Christmas break 

Monday, 7 November 2016

Economy and Stuff

The higher the price the lower the demand, the lower the price the higher the demind. This fluctuates this is called Inelastic Demand. Supply is opposite the higher the price the higher the quantity the lower the price the lower the quantity.  Distortion of markets can occur taxes/levies , interest rates, nature of products, nature of market, global/ national developments. Rasing taxes for the government the idea is to be spent to benefit everyone causing a strong political issue. There are different uk taxes  and duties naming a few: income tax, national tax, VAT, IHT, car tax , stamp duty, import/export duty, tobacco duty, alcohol duty. Government use tax/ duty to raise money to spend on what is need like police, NHS Education etc.

Tax up-less disposable income - reduction in some demand (deflation pressure)
                                                    - change in purchasing habits - increase demand for some items
                                              - demand for pay increase (inflationary pressure) -cost of employment
                                                                                                                             -loss of employment
                                                                                                                            -extra venue needed
                                                                                                                      -Increase in benefit cost

Effects are not immediate, there is always some slack in the system and it depends where and which taxes are raised

Interest rate are also important to the management of an economy, the interest rate is the cost of borrowing money.

Finances are the control of money and the flow of money, every one does finances. Businesses do finance too. A long time ago people made things and traded with each other to get things they wanted this is referred too as barter.

Money is a simple medium for smoothing trade, a measurement method of value.

What is the definition as money?
The cash you have-
The cash you have + the cash you can get
The cash you have + the cash you can get + loan credit
Loan credit - short term/long term

Costs are what you have too give too get something you want. Price is what an item is actually sold for. If you are buying you want the cost to be close to the price
Profit is the positive between difference between cost and price
Loss is the negative difference between cost and price
Income is money coming in
Expenditure money going out
Debt is how much is owed too you or what you owe out
Credit is how much money beyond that which you have, you may use.

If you sell an item you need too know the cost, this means all its costs.

Direct costs are directly attribute to the overall cost of the item
Indirect costs are not a direct attribute
Variable cost that varies with output
Fixed costs that does not vary with output

General costs that can not be directly apportioned to a client
Costs of undertaking particular projects can be allocated directly to a client

Taxations issues (2015)

Income tax bands:
 £10,600 - £31,785 - 20%
 £31,786 -  £150,000 - 40%
 £150,000 + 45%

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Aiden typesetting

I found this type setting work shop very useful as Aiden showed me a number of ways too manipulate text for different uses and how to make text look more "pleasing to the eye"

First of all what is type setting? Type setting is the arrangement of types physical/digital. There are 4 basic groups of Type... Serif, Sans Serif, Script and Decorative.

                       Here is a glossary that shows common terminology associated with type.

The first task was Kerning the words.
Kerning is the alteration
of the individual
spacing between letters.

I found the letters which had
a curve harder to kern correctly
in comparison to the letters with
straight edges.

The Second Task to Track the words. 
Tracking is when you alter the spaces
between the letter in a whole word.

The next task was leading the paragraphs
Leading is when you change the spaces 
between the baseline to create different

This task was to smooth the rag
Rag is the in 'ragged' parts of 
text at the end of the rows of

The next task was to crop 
words too see how far we
could crop them before 
they became

The next task was to 
choose a typeface which 
we thought was the most
suitable for the word.

 Any of the typefaces for the word school would 
have been suitable depending on the context.

This task was to manipulate 
the words. We were given 
rules which had to be followed.     
1. You can only use typography
to articulate the words. 
2. Do not add any illustrative elements to the words.3. You can only use Helvetica
Bold as the typeface, do not change it.
4. You can not use colour.
Only the techniques we have covered.  

Monday, 17 October 2016

Claming Expanding Practice

During this lecture we looked at an graphic design company I really found interesting with an innovative out come too there work. Moniker is a Amsterdam biased interactive graphic design studio  founded in 2012 by Luna Maurer and Roel Wouters. The two videos we looked at in this lecture was Out of Line, Crowd-Source interactive music video and Do not touch , Ever changing interactive music video. I found these two pieces of work really interesting as they use people online to create the actual work and they create the template in which people are given instructions on what too do on screen. This makes the audience drawn in to the work and feel a part of the video and production. I then looked into some on Monikers others projects and found a video under tools in the project section of there website called Dalaunay Raster - Design sofware for image triangulation. This video showed a technique in which you use an image as a template and then use triangles to create the image. Moniker claims that they invented this design process in 2008 and have continued using it to this day creating mostly portraits for magazines. I am currently designing a background for my project ' Cybernetic Self ' zine using this technique.  

Buyer Behaviour

Buyer Behaviour Process
Need - Search - Pre purchase evaluation - Puchase - Comsumption - Post purchase evaluation
                                                                                                              -Good, Ok, Vile, Bad, Buy again

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs 

5. Self-actualisation e.g.- personal values   (80:20/Pareto- 80% of people don't want this 20% want                        
this power and wealth)

4.  Esteem & status e.g.-power, respect, worth

3. belongingness e.g-relationships, family, home, sex

2. Safety e.g.-Shelter defence

1. Physiological ( needs )  e.g.- food ,water

Each stage is exreamly important, with out 1 you can't have 2 if you haven't got 2 you can't have 3 and so on.

Which Product? - Memory ( good, bad, indifferent? Long term,short term)
                           - Aesthetics ( why would you want this product)
                           - Emotion ( hedonism, conscience, love
                           - Genetics ( men vs women )
                           - Logic
                           - Range of choice
                           - Attitude to risk
                           - Nature of problem
                           - Nature of problem routine (simple vs complex, low/high involvement )
                           - Leligion / belief structure
                           - Legal issues
                           - Others views ( peers, family, friends )
                           - Financial Issues

Buisness and design have a 2 flow way, buisness have market issues you need too know this because you need too know what's affecting them market issues are things such as market segment, real market issues and end user aspects, you need to know these issues too do the research. Macro environment issues and social / ethical issues will affect your research into you design. This then allows you to target your design the the target market.

Communication Issues
Shannon & Weaver Model of Communication
Sender - Message - Encode - Transmit - Decode - Receive
During transmition there is noise/interference, this is something stopping the transmission.
The sender has to have a reason to send a message
The receiver has to understand and must agree/disagree, Accept/Reject and give feed back too the sender.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Nick - Week 1

A zine is a self published booklet. We explored briefly 3 artists
                                                                                         Alex Lukas - RHSAL backwards
                                                                                         Barry McGee - DFW year in review
                                                                                         Benjamin Bostock
We were given 7 words to involve into our Zine
- Share
- like
- update
- off
- dream
- live
We also have too involve an emoji of our choice

I found this process and production extreamly useful as I was struggling to find a print style that would fit my project idea as my idea wouldn't really fit into a magazine or poster style print out very well. I created a zine during Alevel and totally forgot about that style of publication.

I went on to develop my work, I used illustrator the edit the zine. I created a coloured zine and a black and white zine which could be printed on different coloured card. I also picked my favourite image on the zine and changed the colour on each image to create another zine. This final zine when tested diddnt work well with a black and white format


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Bras salt guest lecture

Brass salt is a design agency biased in leeds. They have designed for a number of different company's such as Lil Lets and Ribina. They designed the most recent advertisements for ribina were they made a cafe into a giant colouring shop were people could go and colour in. They then did a a final piece were they made the colourings into a lighting piece.

Brass told us that they are 2.8 million people in the creative industry. 87% total UK export and 8.2% of the economy. Digital is websites, interaction and content.

Sara - After Affects 1

In Sara's after affects production lesson today we were looking at geometrical shapes and how to make a simple but affective transaction. We also learnt about the freezing hold which it a pause at the end of a advertisement which makes the viewer look at the TV because they think the tv has frozen, this means your work will be held for longer.

We also look at 30 motion tests in 30 seconds which sara was expecting a similar out come from today's lesson. We also created a channel on vimeo to display all the work and projects we are doing on after affects this year. The channel make the layout of your work look more presentable.

I used geometric shapes such as circles and polygons. Black, White and Red and used effects such as venetian blind, wiggler and twist.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Research: Celeste Barber

Celeste Barber
Celeste Barber is an Australian comedian who has managed to mock a large variety of celebrities instagram images in the most hilarious way. Celeste Barber takes celebrities instagram photos and "copy's" them.


I think Her photography really shows the difference between expectation and reality which really fits in with my project. She's approached this idea in a positive manner rather than a deep emotional approach which I find can be quite original and typical. People see in media about these gorgeous celebrities and how 'perfect' they are and how people want to be this type of person, Celeste Barber kind of shows the reality and pulls it all this back too earth which really links in with my project and my idea of instagram posts. My idea for my project is to show the reality of my life and how different my life is compared too other users of instagram users.

Brief 1 week 2

In this lecture we watched a video called WTF is the internet by We are the internet which had good points on what the internet actually is and shows how much we take the internet for granted.
In this video a lot of good points were made about the internet. The internet is humanity and it gives people a voice too speak. If we were to understand the internet as a culture it would make sense, we take the internet for granted because it there at the touch of a button and has never been more involved in humanity's life style like it is now. Your computers,tablets, phones and now even watches! The internet is constantly around us were ever we go. You can pick up wifi almost anywhere, you can access the internet enywere without wifi using 2G, 3G and 4G. Internet could be posivitive depending on the person using it. You are what you post! The internet is a opportunity factory. Anybody anywhere can post on line and any body anywhere can see the talent. The problem is there so much talent out there so its becoming harder too be recognised for you talent so people are taking risks to be recognised which could be really successful or you could fail miserably. "Genius is the talent of one person, Senius is the talent of many people." - Brian Eno. The internet is a place were people take risks and show creativity and much more. The internet is 'senius'.

Cybernetic comes from the greek word for Art of Stearing. Questions to help me with my project : What defines you? And How does interaction with others affect that? These are brilliant questions to help our project get started it really got me thinking about how I look on social media. After this lecture i began too look at friends and the people I follow on instagram too look what kind of thinks they post. I noticed it was mainly Gym, Fitness, Outfits, Food, Holidays/Travil and decided that i would make my project biased on this. Comparing my self to others on instagram I just need to think of how too show this idea clearly and successfully.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Buisness lecture 2

This lecture we were given tips on how too access our work and how to work with clients. This lecture was part 2 or buisness lecture 1.

Tips on working with clients
-make notes on what's been said ( feed back and criticism ) 
-understand what's happening around you ( economy and trend ) 
- assess the situation you are in
- "the client is the boss" let him think that ( if there's anything he doesn't like about the design it's his fault 'he designed it' ) 
- let the client have there input 
- the client may not tell you all the details so ask lots of questions 

Product positioning 
Products are positioned on a scale of high-low price and high- low quality. All products usually fall between the high quality/ high price and low quality / low price

Pest Analysis
Economic               If any of these do not work the product will not work
SWOT analysis
Weaknesses          Internal
Threats                  External

All products have a life cycle. This lifecycle can decay but you can prevent this through thinks such as advertisement.

Friday, 30 September 2016

Histories of Animation

Tim Hope - Wolfman 1999
Emile Cohl - fantasising orie 1908
Bruce Bickford - Prometheus Garden 1988
Dip Dap - Ceebeebies
Humorous Phases of funny Faces 1906
J Stuart Blackton - lighting sketchiest 1907

Seminar 1: Introduction

Seminar 1: introduction 30.9.16

What is theory as Practice for you?

What are your expectations for this year?

Theory as practice is theory + practice = research

What is research?

What?= theme
Why?= context
How?= approach
What?= outcome

Research is part of the professional practice, to discover a style I like.

We were asked to take part in a task to analyse a piece of text and find out the what,why,how and what of the text. The text I chose where about the Whitney museum.

What? Whitney's graphic identity.
Why? Because the museum has changed over 13 years and has now been given a new design space.
How? Designers created "The Responsive W" which responds to art.
What? "Responsive W"

The Whitney museum had changed a lot over 13 years and had been given a new design space there for the Whitney needed a new graphic identity. Designers got together and created the Responsive W which responds to art the do so.  This task was useful as it helped me understand how to pick out the key aspects of a piece of text .

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Brief 1 Introduction

27.9.16 Brief 1 Introduction

In this lecture we watched an early 1990s internet commercial.

Brief one - Cybernetic self
The themes we need too explore
- Autopoesis
- Sociomaterial
- Network self

The meaning of autopesis is self maintain
The meaning of sociomaterial is the clash of social and technology
The meaning of Network self is how you project your self online

Things I need to consider
- Self presentation
- Social connection in the digital age

What defines you?
How does interaction with others affect that?

"Redefine the self portrait, the selfie"

We briefly looked at 2 artist but one that really caught my attention  was Amelia Ulman's project 'excellences + perfection' .
Over 5 months Amelia Ulman took 175 photographs. Excellences + Perfection and posted them on instagram. This was inspired by extremely makeover culture. Some image she posted were quite reviewing showing under wear and a lot of skin, she claimed she began pole dancing, under went breast enlargement and living a life style in LA which some people could only dream of.  As soon as her instagram follower started to realise the change they were judging her on her images. She claimed to the telegraph during a Skype interview  "suddenly i was this dumb bitch because I was showing my ass in pictures" which shows that people do judge people on what they see on social media, her followers judged her without actually knowing her which purely shows the strength of social media and how you are perceived.

My project has too be a printed document biased on cybernetic self, the time frame I have for this project is 4 weeks.

Week 1- idea generation
Week 2 - formalise and develop ideas
Week 3 - begin composing final output
Week 4 - refine and finalise

Monday, 26 September 2016

Buisness Lecture 1

26.9.16 Business Lecture 1

If found this lecture extremely helpful as it gives us a insite into the world and how it could affect that can take place on us graphic designers. It was also helpful as our lecturer gave us tips on applying for placements in preparation next year.

We learnt the key thinks in which an industry wants.
- Independence
- Self thinking
- Analysis Ability

I need too start thinking about what I would like too do for my placement year next year. 
"Regret is always more painful than failure" - Quote from the film 'The Dish' meaning it's alway better too try and fail and know you tried rather than to have not tried and wonder what would have happened

Our lecturer than gave is some pointers on applying for placements 

- IPA is good at finding placement 
- Write a letter too the placement rather than email, it's easier to ignore an email
- Comment on there work, What do you like about there work?
- Don't ask for a placement! 
- It's not what you know it's who you know. Gather as many contacts as you can.

There are 2 different placements you can apply for 
A- through the uni placement
B- Suspend my degree 

So Design? 
Product orientation is when you make the product and find a market too fit it.
Market orientation is when you have certain assets and a company wants you to do something with them. 

Economic Structure 
Economic structure can vary from a macro economic ( large economy ) too a Micro economy ( small economy ) 

National Economy
- Geographic Entity (country) 
- Private Sector (company's, firms etc) 
- Public sector ( financed by tax revenue - police, schools, firemen ect) 

Things that could possibly affect an economic structure is technology, social change, politics, war and natural disasters. 

Basic marketing 
The 4 P's 
- Price 
- Product
- Promotion
- Place 
How much does the product cost to manufacture, deliver and package? Is there a profit? Profit element Mark up can be very high 100% + In some instances.

Core product - What the product must do for example a chair is to sit on so you must make it for that function.
Secondary product - The colour, size, style etc for example why some one would buy that certain chair and not a different chair maybe blue would match there kitchen and not pink.

How you tell or persuade the market 

Where is the product available too buy?
Place of consumption?

What is design 
Design is problem solving, creativity and communication. There are two types of thinking convergent and divergent. Convergent is slowly working through the problem until the problem is solved. Divergent is finding other solutions and figuring out the best. 

Design Process 
Idea Generation - Design Concept - Development - Embodiment - Detailed Design - Finished Article 

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Johns second and 3rd drawing task

 This were Johns 2nd and 3rd process and production lesson. I've really enjoyed drawing typography this term. Johns second lesson i started doing a final draft of my work and carried it on in the 3rd lesson as i was really happy with the work and enjoying it.

Reframing Work shop

In this seminar we were given a task. The graphic designers were asked to transform and word into a different word, preferable from one work too the total opposite. I honestly found this task difficult, there was so many things too choose from and so many techniques I could use to carry out this task. I began a piece of work transforming live into evil. I began to rearrange the letters to see if I could create other words that could possibly relate to live and evil.. I came up with vile. I think I was over complicating a small task. I then began to illustrate the text making the evil look like hell vile look nutural like earth and live look like heaven to display 3 changes in transitions.


What is the Meaning of style? manner of way. the way something is done.
 "style isn't just putting on clothes, its how you present yourself to the world as your own interpretation of yourself"

Marcel Breuer is an architect and furniture designer and created the Cesca Chair. The Cesca chair took a whole new design route. Instead of the usual 4 legged plain plastic chair, this chair had 2 legs and a nice fabric design on the actual seat and back. Marcel Breuer took a whole new approach to this design or a chair. He made it cool, jazzy and most of all he made people want it. But why was people wanting this char rattan than the 4 legged one? Because it was different, innovative and stylish.

Graphic Responses to sound

During this lecture I discovered many ways in which to respond to a sound. It could be through animation, objects, harmonics and many more. Leon Thermin invented his own instrument, the therein, in which he played using oscillation. the should he created was quite erie and scary. I really enjoyed watching this video as i was impressed with the technology and idea of his work especially for its time (1930).  Although i really enjoyed this piece I very with doubt I would be able to recreate and adapt this in a style of my own although I would like to.

Gentle Ease

This Lecture was focused on after affects. There was a lot of video footage of artist work in this lecture, I particularly liked Johnny Kelly's work Forest: Just One Day as I found my self anticipating what was going to happen next. The piece seemed really unusual, at first I thought I was because of the music but realised how random the animations were and unusual the events were that was taking place in this animation. supprisingly just one day is a stop motion animation edited together using after affects. Such a simple technique but yet so time consuming, in my visualising sound project i attempted a stop motion animation, it was very rushed compared to the skill and accuracy of this piece.

Problem Solving

Exploring ways to interpret facts and observations through Information Graphics: The designer is an observer, problem solver and illustrator of information... simplifying complex data to convey understanding through memorable design and essential skill for visual communicators.

in this seminar lesson we was show a variety of information graphics and ask to create our own.

Our task was to create our own simple info graphic. I used my Mum, Dad, Brothers, Sisters, Nephew's, niece's, grate nephew and grate niece in my info graphic. I started in age order colour coordinating each person. I then adjusted the bar for how long I have known them for.

how do we think about gender difference

The RAW/WAr project is an idea that we can change the was in which history is constructed by using generations and technology to create there own history. it uses i forum in which people can come together and share stories and experiences and contribute to the history or women's art.

"The fault lies not in out stars, our hormones, our menstrual cycles, or our empty internal spaces, but in our institutions and our education - education understood to include everything that happens to us from the moment we enter this world of meaningful symbols, signs and signals. - Linda Nochlin ' why have there been no great women artists? (1971)

Linda Nochlin has highlighted a valid point, why hasn't there been any great women artist in history. maybe this was because of the position of women through out history before women rights. I found this lecture quite irrelevant although was quite interesting learning about parts of history in which women had highlighted this problem.

post- it typography

In this seminar we were given 5 post it notes and given 3 letters too create in any sale we want i was given the letters Z,C,L the Z i started of plain and simple. when i hear the letter Z i think sharp! so i first just did a simple Z shape and thought I'm going too put a bubble around the letter Z to soften it a little. For the letter C i created a cloud affect simply because a cloud pooped into mind. with the letter L i created a simple L outline with corners that resemble the letter L.